Blogging 101: The Past, Present & Future of the Blog

As the old saying goes, “those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.” It should come as no surprise, then, that history is considered to be an interesting topic for many people—especially those who hope to become leaders in their respective career fields. While there is no question that understanding…

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Times are Tough: Make Money Freelance Blogging!

From a financial standpoint, the last several years have been quite difficult for many Americans. While some individuals believe that the economy is on the upswing, others think that the worse is still to come. As people continue to struggle to make ends meet, many have begun to think outside the box to ensure a steady stream…

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Law Blogs Aren’t Just For Lawyers

Blogging is everywhere. What was once a pastime of writers looking to document and publish their experiences, without resorting to pen and paper, is now an integral part of many personal and business websites. No matter how obscure the topic or how unknown the industry, you can likely find a blog or two—or 200—discussing it…

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